Monday, January 30, 2006

Keyword Formatting Tool

I finally went and made this tool myself. While working on my AdWord campaigns, coming up with good keywords is quiet a job. But then having to paste them into WordPad and adding brackets and quotes to each one is just annoying. My fingers get numb after I am done with one of those sessions.

Well I made a tool that you can paste a load of keywords or keyphrases into and it will return them with brackets and quotes around them.

If you enter this:

keyphrase one
keyphrase two

it will return this:

[keyphrase one]
[keyphrase two]
"keyphrase one"
"keyphrase two"

Use it! Let me know if you like it.

Go here:


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hits to Your Website From eBay

Fact: The need to buy and sell items is made easy because of online auction sites like eBay. While these sites serve this purpose, they are also a means of achieving traffic. Especially those who are continuously putting up their products in these sites.

eBay is among the top ten most-trafficked sites on the Internet. A position that could not be held very long by a site that was not doing its job extremely well.

Part of the reason eBay works so well is its feedback system. All eBay users have a “feedback” page where buyers and sellers can leave positive, neutral, or negative feedback about each transaction.

You can check the feedback rating for any of your buyers (or another seller) by clicking the “Search” tab on the eBay homepage, then clicking “Find members.” You'll be able to see their feedback rating, and read all the comments others have made about their transactions with that member.

Keep in mind that the feedback system works both ways: If you have a positive rating, you can increase your sales by as much as 7% - 9%. So if you are going to sell on eBay you will want to start building your own feedback rating quickly.

Learning the ropes and establishing your reputation.

Since your feedback for buying and selling all contributes to one rating, you can start to establish a positive rating even before you start to sell.

The easiest way to build your eBay reputation is to participate in the auction experience as a buyer. Pick an inexpensive item and see how easy it is to find. Take a look at the techniques sellers use to get you to look at their listings. Then start bidding.

Once the auction is over, take note of the checkout process, and how the seller completes the transaction. Keep track of how long your item takes to arrive, and how it's packaged.

Then analyze your experience. What techniques should you incorporate into your own listings? What should you be sure to avoid?

Afterwards, leave the seller positive feedback, and ask that they do the same for you. Repeat this process a few more times and you'll have learned a ton about online auctions -- and you'll have a great feedback rating when you start to sell!

Finding your eBay market

Listing an item with eBay gives you access to a huge crowd. Unlike most web surfers, who tend to be in search of information, eBay users are actually looking for something to buy.

With three million items listed in 3,000 categories, you will need to do a little research to figure out exactly where your potential customers will be looking for your product and how you can help them find it.

The best way to decide where to list your product and what keywords to use is to search for similar products, determine which ones sell best, and see what they are doing. Check how easily your product can be found using the site's search tools before you settle on a category.

Next, you will need to create a title for your listing. Make sure your title is specific: Instead of "necklace,” say "Beautiful hand-crafted silver necklace with amber pendant," so everything is as clear as possible for your viewers. Being extra clear will help you show up on more searches, too.

No matter what you are selling, eBay can seriously impact your bottom line. There is nowhere else on earth where you will find 37 million people brought together for the sole purpose of buying and selling.

Remember: As soon as someone arrives at eBay, they are ready to buy. Because the bidding process creates so much excitement, it can result in great profit margins on all kinds of stuff.
No matter what you are selling, auction sites like eBay is a business like no other.

You need to educate yourself and test the waters before diving in if you plan to be successful. Have a plan of action on how best you can drive the “auctioneers” to your site.

Honest people do make millions through online auctions so it is not unreasonable to think you can profit too. Just proceed with caution and work these auction sites to your advantage.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Consequences of Sleep Depravation

This is a part of the article about sleep from Talk About Sleep web site. Make sure you read the whole article at

With today's increasingly on-the-go, around-the-clock society, more people than ever are sleep deprived. People need a wake-up call, literally, to become aware of how prevalent sleep deprivation is.

In fact, it is estimated that nearly 50% of the adult population in the United States is sleep deprived. This may be attributed to longer work hours and increased commute times. It appears the price of the boost in productivity is a reduction in sleep.

So, what is happening to all of these exhausted individuals? Many tragedies that have been linked to human error were due to exhaustion. Some historic examples of severe sleep deprivation include the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the NASA Challenger shuttle explosion, and the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Unfortunately, accidents can easily happen as the result of any amount of lost sleep.

The most common consequence of lost sleep has become a public health issue - sleeping behind the wheel. One third of all drivers will fall asleep while driving at least once in their lifetime. The monetary cost is estimated at more than $30 billion annually and the human cost is roughly 100,000 crashes, 71,000 injuries, and 1,500 fatalities each year. These figures are probably very conservative due to inaccurate statistics. Moreover, this estimate does not account for other operators "behind a wheel", such as airline pilots, boat captains, and railway conductors.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Bright Idea? What Next?

Everyone has a bright idea now and then, what to do with it is the question that seems to stop those ideas dead in it's tracks.

I am going to list a couple of links that you can find usefull when you are looking for resources for your new bright idea.

Well the first place you want to go is to the US Patent Office website.
You can browse on their site to get more information on patents.

Next go to the Quick Search of the existing patents page.
Here fill in the Term 1 field with your keyword, then select the Field that you want to look for that keyword(s) in. In case you can't find it, the Description field is at the very bottom of the list. You can enter another keyword and a field to do a double search. Click Search.

Once the results come back, scan through the titles and see if anything sounds like what you are looking for. If oyu find one, click on the title.

Here you will find a lot of information about this patent. On the top of the page and on the very buttom you will find buttons for images and any other supplemants they have for this patent.

If you do not find anything that matches what your idea, you will need to do a pattent application search, follow this link.

Here you do the same thing, fill in the keyword(s), choose a field and search. Same procedure as above, scroll throught the titles, click on it and read the info.

If you don't find anything that looks like your idea, you have a good chance of having a new unique product/idea.

You did your homework, now you can hire a pattent search atturney to do a complete pattent search for you, and then a product development company.

Without this step of doing a search by yourself first, hiring someone to deal with your idea can be very expencive and fullish without knowing that you did all you could to confirm that your idea is unique. You can ofcourse pay some one to do this for you but know this, ideas come to many people but only a fraction of them are unique and "great", so throwing money at every one of them is not a very good idea.

Do your homework first, then hire professionals. It may take some time to dig through all of the patents but it is worth it.

It's a good feeling to know you got a potential winer.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

What Millionaires Know

"I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire. I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do."
- Michael Moore

"I'd give $1000 to be a millionaire."
- Lewis Timberlake

There are "secrets" that melionaires know that are kept very quiet. What could you earn if you discovered these "secrets" millionaires know?

I think it is obvious that this and a dash of hard work you would be pretty successful.

Looking around to find these secrets I found this, time tested, proven secrets that all mellionaires know to build your fortune on.

This program is built on principles of Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

Read more here.

Focus to succeed

"Here is the prime condition of success: Concentrate your energy, thought and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun on one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it."
- Andrew Carnegie

"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want."
- Ben Stein

Last Friday I met with Frank Sousa, he is a friend I met about five years ago when I worked for a company that did web hosting for him. He mentioned to me that he was making money on line and told me a bit about it. I was impressed and interested in what he was telling me but I didn't understand more than half of it.

Now almost 5 years later and about the same amount of time struggling to make it in the internet business an idea popped into my head, why not ask Frank to help me figure this out. Show me what I am doing wrong. I know he is successful, I don't know why I didn't ask him thousands of dollars earlier.

We sat down and talked for about three hours. He pointed me the direction I should be going. He told me number one thing is "focus".

I had everything from blogs to websites to AdWord campaigns plastered all over the internet. Frank found my most valuable asset and told me to focus on it.

It is so easy to get distracted and get pulled many different directions, but you have to focus. Get it done, finish it. That's how you succeed.

Remember - FOCUS!

Friday, January 20, 2006

To Have A Good Idea

"To have a great idea, have a lot of them." - Thomas A. Edison

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Mathew 7:7

If you are not a natural seeker, you may have some difficulties with this concept. A natural "seeker" puts everything he sees through a filter. A solution filter if you will. All the life's experiences should be smooth and perfect or so the mind of a "seeker" thinks.

When you are on the playground with your kids, you see the playground as a platform for something better. When watching TV, it is a platform for new ideas. Use it. Find the problem in the existing product, think how it can be solved.

You will have hundreds of silly and impossible ideas but then that one time your idea will actually start making sense.

You could also start with an impossible idea and figure out a way to make it possible.

It is all in your head, just start using it. Put it to work.

But remember, once you start, sometimes it is hard to stop. You will sometimes loose sleep from thinking about a solution to a problem.

Good luck to you all. Wishing you the next greatest idea.